Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Navagio Beach

The beach of Navagio or Shipwreck or even Zakynthos smugglers cove is the most famous of Zakynthos beaches and one of the most famous of all Greece. It is the trademark of the island and has been photographed millions of times. This superb beach is located in the eastern part of the island, close to the Anafotiria village.

Huge vertical cliffs of white rocks are surrounding the sand creating a unique and enchanting image. To reach this paradise, one has to take a little boat from the small port of Porto Vromi. Those taxi-boats are leaving every hour and the trip is about 30 minutes.

Navagio Beach

Navagio Beach

Navagio Beach

Navagio Beach

Navagio Beach

Navagio Beach

Navagio Beach

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